Who we help
The Drawing and Talking technique is used with anyone (age 5+) who has suffered trauma or has underlying emotional difficulties.

Suitable for children
Who are:
- Child of separated parents
- Adopted / fostered
- Young parents
- Young caregivers
- Socially disadvantaged
- Bereaved
- Ill or disabled
- Bullied or a bully
- Autistic
Suffering from:
- Trauma
- Anxiety, stress or phobias
- Disrupted or disturbed sleep
- The effects of domestic violence
- Inability to make friends
- Inability to play
- Being withdrawn
- Inappropriate behaviour
- Peer or sibling disputes
Suitable for your entire school

Suitable for adults
Who are:
- Getting divorced
- Were adopted / fostered
- Primary caregivers of parent
- Primary caregivers of SEN child
- Socially disadvantaged
- Bereaved
- Families dealing with illness or disabilities
Suffering from:
- Trauma
- Anxiety, stress or phobias
- Disrupted or disturbed sleep
- Effects of domestic violence
- Being continually unhappy
- Stuck in a cycle of behaviours
- Inability to connect with family or friends
- Inability to control their anger
- Being withdrawn