FREE WEBINAR – Introduction to Drawing and Talking
(Focused on Supporting Children and Young People)

Register to join a 75-minute interactive Zoom conversation learning how the Drawing and Talking therapeutic technique is supporting children’s mental health.

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Children and Young People - Free webinar

Are you interested in learning more about Drawing and Talking and how this therapeutic intervention can support you in your setting?

Join a 75-minute (7.30pm to 8.45pm UK time - select date below) interactive Zoom conversation about how the Drawing and Talking therapeutic technique supports children’s, young people's and adults' mental health in thousands of schools, charities and organisations. We explore how easy it is to roll out in your school, charity or organisation, in addition to empowering you as an independent or freelance professional. 

Join Cath Beagley, our CEO to ask any questions you may have and:

  • Explore how Drawing and Talking differs from other therapies, as a mental health intervention.
  • Discover what our training offers right now for children and young people on your CAMHS waiting lists.
  • Find out more about what our training offers right now for professionals who work with adults (including elders)
  • Understand what Drawing and Talking would look like for you and your organisation

Who is this suitable for?

  • Local Authorities
  • Primary and Secondary Schools
  • Academy Trusts & Local Clusters
  • Charities
  • Mental Health Teams


"My daughter has just gone through these sessions with someone who has been trained in the school. She found them really useful in dealing with her anxiety."

Claire McCormick – Parent

"I have completed this with six children to date and have seen such great results. Great intervention, I cannot champion it enough."

Claire Price – Teaching Assistant

"I have seen first-hand the response of children who have completed a course of Drawing and Talking and the results are outstanding."

Gemma Williamson – Foundation Stage Leader

"The Drawing and Talking enabled children, through an unthreatening medium with a known and trusted adult, to explore their thoughts, feelings and anxieties."

Head Teacher – Mainstream Primary School

"Drawing and Talking has proved invaluable with secondary students who find it difficult to talk about their emotions."

Clinical Psychologist

"We do use a number of therapy methods at school, but without a shadow of a doubt Drawing and Talking is by far the most effective."

Nicola Furey – Nurture Leader