

"You may think that the residents are not engaging but they are it’s just in their own way. This work is so important because it can reach them on different levels. Please don’t underestimate the importance of Drawing and Talking because you may not see the impact straight away, but it will impact them.”
- Deputy Care Home Manager @ Blossomfield Rose


"I really enjoyed the session today. I wasn't sure quite what to expect! I didn't realise how much I benefited from drawing and chatting with a fabulous group of ladies. I laughed so much and didn't want to stop drawing! | returned home feeling invigorated and happy, thank you."
- Drawing and Talking Group Work Participant


"I had such a fun time at the Drawing and Talking session. For someone who can only draw stick men, it was so therapeutic and I got so much out of it. The group was small and it felt so comfortable to talk in the group. Thank you for running this and making us all feel so relaxed."
- Drawing and Talking Group Work Participant


“I have really enjoyed these sessions; we all get together and we talk and we laugh and we have fun.”
- Resident @ Royal Star


"Very relaxed environment/calm and safe. Powerful how my emotions came out and the people in the room were very supportive and made me feel less lonely inside. I feel fortunate to know Kelly as she has inspired me in making myself happier. I need to look after myself more and listen to my needs."
- Drawing and Talking Group Work Participant


"Really safe place which allowed me to think and feel about things I have shut away. Kelly is fantastic and I find I can open up about whatever I am feeling. A very positive experience."
- Drawing and Talking Group Work Participant


“Thank you so much Emma I really enjoyed these sessions and being together gave us an opportunity to talk and to share things.”
- Resident @ Royal Star


"This group is melting my heart; the sessions have made the residents all so happy and they look forward to it.”
- Activities Coordinator @ Royal Star

