How a Drawing and Talking Session Works for Older Adults and People Living with Dementia

Creating a Comforting Environment: A Time-Limited Approach

In our adapted Drawing and Talking sessions for caring for older adults, practitioners meet clients for 30 minutes at the same time and place each week, over a period of 12 weeks. This consistent and predictable setting is crucial for older clients, especially those living with dementia. Practitioners gently engage with the client's drawings through non-intrusive questions, facilitating a process where symbolic understanding emerges, helping to alleviate emotional conflicts and promote healing.

Fostering One-to-One Secure Relationships

Each session is tailored to the individual's needs, conducted in a safe and respectful manner, acknowledging their unique pace and emotional state. This approach is vital in building secure, trusting relationships, particularly important for older clients who may feel vulnerable or isolated. Such relationships not only offer emotional support but also aid in processing past traumas and current anxieties.


Guide them through the world of dream and fantasy

Once an individual feels safe and the Practitioner has created a secure attachment, their imagination begins to unfold. Based on Jungian principles, they will be guided through the power of healing when working with the unconscious.

Achieving Symbolic Resolution and Enhanced Wellbeing

Upon completing the Drawing and Talking therapy, many older clients experience improved emotional regulation and a boost in self-esteem. These outcomes are particularly beneficial for this demographic, as they contribute to a heightened sense of dignity and quality of life, enabling them to find more joy and peace in their daily experiences.

Who is Drawing and Talking suitable for?


The course was informative, well-structured and managed. Practical sessions were embedded to provide 'real life' experiences (or as close as we could get!) Excellent.

Foundation Course Attendee

What an amazing course, very informative and also several emotional moments. Would definitely recommend.

Foundation Course Attendee