Meet The Practitioner | Rose Taylor

    Nicola Rose Taylor | Plymouth

    How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

    Drawing and talking is a wonderful, structured and safe  therapeutic intervention, which allows the brain to subconsciously process trauma through the process of drawings ( not directly related to the issue), followed by guided discussions about the drawing.

    Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

    Colleagues in the teaching world told me about the amazing results they had achieved with it, the whole drawing and talking community are all so supportive, and happy about the outcomes.

    What is the age range you work with?

    I work with my Company Creative Curiosities Ltd engaging with whole communities. My focus for Drawing and Talking would be from Year 3 in Primary to adults.

    What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

    I am passionate about self belief and esteem, and that everyone has the right to have aspirations. I am very focussed on autism and or learning disabilities  and mental health, and the development of sensory awareness and integration.

    How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

    Encouraging young people with autism NOT to remain at home in a safe space is often problematical. Enforcing them to do so during lock down undermines much of the work families and professionals were carrying out previously. The disruption in routine, and establishing a new routine is not something that happens overnight or easily.

    Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

    My greatest success story is yet to happen, as the Pandemic interrupted our first sessions. I am really looking forward to rolling out this powerful tool for supporting emotional and mental well being across the Summer and beyond.

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    CR4 4AE, United Kingdom


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