Meet The Practitioner | Katrina Clarke-Hager

    Katrina Clarke-Hager | Milton Keynes

    How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

    Drawing and Talking is a short-term intervention for anyone who has undergone any form of emotional trauma.   With no probing questions, this non-intrusive intervention allows the person, regardless of their age,  to deal with their emotions at their own pace through story telling in drawing or in sand play, don’t worry, you don’t have to be an artist to take part.

    Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

    I have been blessed to have worked with children, young people and adults and have observed how this intervention has no age limits.  Once the adult realises they don’t have to be a great artist, they relax and get more involved in the ‘fantasy’ part of the story telling.  It has been reported by one of my adults that they ‘look forward to their time’ and often know in advance what they are going to draw. Another adult I worked with reported that she didn’t know how I did it but she had a much calmer approach to situations and was sleeping better.

    What is the age range you work with?

    I have worked with adults ranging from 18 years through to 60 years old, see, no age limits.

    What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

    Any form of emotional trauma, (be it bereavement, family break up, domestic abuse) can affect a person’s self-esteem and mental health which is often associated with forms of anxiety, depression and lack of self-worth.

    How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

    I have experienced adults who have undergone loss, in many different forms as in loss of identity, loss of loved ones, loss of freedom as well as loss of relationships affecting the persons self-belief, self- worth and confidence.

    Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

    I think that it would have to be one of the adults I worked with who had been self-isolating reported of their plans to make a journey and make contact with family members.

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    CR4 4AE, United Kingdom


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