Meet The Practitioner | Julia McKillop

    Julia McKillop | Inverness and surrounding area

    How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

    Drawing and Talking is a safe space to explore your feelings and emotions through storytelling.  It’s so gentle and non-confrontational you might not even know you are connecting on a therapeutic level.  You don’t have to be an artist to experience this fully, to be able to make your mark with a pencil is enough.

    Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

    I’m passionate about Drawing and Talking because I’ve seen how it benefits not only the client but their families too.  It’s wonderful to see families opening up to each other as you hold the safe space for your client.  I love the storytelling aspect of Drawing and Talking and the fact that the client chooses where they want to go with it.  Your client is always in control.

    What is the age range you work with?

    I work with children and young people from primary age through to adult.

    What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

    The areas of wellbeing I support through Drawing and Talking are social, emotional and behaviour and also bereavement, change and loss.  This might be anything from moving to a new area, going into a foster placement, grieving for a beloved pet or family member.

    How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

    Covid has had a massive impact on all aspects of our lives from losing contact with people, changes to our working and school lives.  The wearing of masks has also impacted on our communication with each other, not knowing if someone is smiling or having to change the way you speak to be heard.  Covid impacts our lives in so many ways, we might not always be aware of it but it affects our mental focus and wellbeing on so many subtle levels.

    Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

    My greatest success story has to be the child who after two sessions said “I’m so much happier, I’ve been talking to my mum loads.  We’ve sorted a lot of things out but I know I’m not finished yet.”  At age 9 she demonstrated a lot of courage and wisdom beyond her years. It was a privilege to have been part of that.

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    CR4 4AE, United Kingdom


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