Meet The Practitioner | Elaine Dean

    Elaine Dean | Oldham

    How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

    It is a technique that supports people who have embedded sadness or anxiety inside to gradually release their pain whilst drawing or making marks. They are supported by a trained and empathic practitioner who follows their lead. Sometimes a session might involve mostly visual expression, during other sessions the client might wish to talk more and then sometimes it is a balance between the two.

    Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

    I believe that that this therapeutic approach offers something different in comparison to more traditional forms of counselling because once the client starts to produce visuals they begin to relax and let their feelings flow/ project onto the paper. The act of drawing (once the client realises artistic ability is not the focus) is therapeutic and the adults begin to look forward to the sessions. It becomes ‘their time.’ After about the third session the healing process begins very slowly to take place. Once a trusting relationship has been established between the practitioner and the client the session just flows beautifully free from judgement. My clients have told me that the sessions make them feel ‘good’ and relaxed.

    What is the age range you work with?

    I have worked with both children and adults in Education for almost 30 years, so I am happy to work across a wide age range. I am currently working with 17 to 50 years old.

    What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

    I feel that I can connect with individuals who have ‘lost’ something in themselves which, could be related to bereavement,  changes in a relationship, employment, and general loss of confidence.

    How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

    The adults that I have been supporting have suffered from lack of contact with friends, they have also been dealing with the impact it has had on their children and elderly relatives, in particularly one of them lost her father. Consequently, they have needed to access this therapeutic service to release anxiety and stress.

    Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

    In terms of working with adults I would say that the person I am currently working with has been the most ‘successful’ although all have had positive outcomes to some extent.

    My client was feeling very sad inside, quite bereft. She needed an outlet for her emotion and for somebody to ‘hold the space’ for her to do so.

    At the beginning of her journey, she needed me to guide her in terms of topic/ theme but over time this reliance diminished as her confidence and emotional wellbeing increased. Quite early in the programme my client realised that she was talking about herself and her own events, but she wanted to explore her feelings safely. Over time she has relaxed and grown in confidence and better able to take back control. She looks and is a lot more relaxed. Her journey continues but she is much stronger within. I am honoured that she allowed me to be integral to the healing process that she is undergoing.

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    CR4 4AE, United Kingdom


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