Meet the Practitioner

Meet The Practitioner | Vicki Readings - Drawing & Talking

Written by Poppy Weston | Oct 14, 2020 10:00:41 AM

Vicki Readings | Oxfordshire and Online

How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

A supported space to process and explore what is going on for you right now, through the medium of drawing

Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

Sometimes we find it difficult to describe or use words to explain what’s going on and so drawing can help with communication and exploration of these feelings. It’s all about own thoughts and feelings and interpretation, there is no right or wrong! For me, I absolutely love anything creative and art based so drawing helps me to feel relaxed and calm. Being able to use drawing and talking with both adults and children really enables the breaking down of barriers to engage in something amazing!

What is the age range you work with?

Both children and adults

What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

As a primary teacher and counsellor, I quickly found my passion for support wellbeing and mental health in various ways. Having a toolbox to support a range needs is key to meeting individuals requirements, after all, we are unique and so not one thing works for everyone.

How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

Covid has been a very interesting time, where I’ve seen families really struggle with the understanding and impact of what is going on and how to manage daily family life with lots of extra pressures. Also, in the local area, we have a large military community of which I am part of, and so there have been a few added extra expectations or changes within our experiences- we have still had family deployed and that brings even more challenges. However, what I have found, is that everyone has and is doing their to truly support one another to overcome this together. We have really become a better community looking after everyone around us.

Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

For me, it’s that moment when a client takes the deeper sigh, that moment of recognition where they have learnt something about themselves or their situation through processing which allows them to change, understanding or let go of something. They have connected dots and feel empowered! That is the true magic of drawing and talking. Anyone can do it, it’s not about drawing at all!