Meet the Practitioner

Meet The Practitioner | Jo Noble - Drawing & Talking

Written by Poppy Weston | Aug 13, 2021 2:53:08 PM

Jo Noble | Hampton Hill

How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

In Its simplest form, I would describe drawing and talking as being a therapeutic 12 week intervention for adults and kids who have experienced some form of trauma. Using only pencil and paper, and working in a calm and safe environment this process will aim to open up communication that has been closed due to trauma.

Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking as a supportive intervention?

I am passionate about Drawing and Talking because I really do believe it works. Mental health is a real issue at the moment, especially through lockdown and I don’t think we have seen the end of it. There are lots of great systems of help in place such as CAHMS, however there is such demand for services like these that often there are long waiting lists. It is great to have an established system such as ‘drawing and talking’ recognised by CAHMS, in place to work with those who are really in need of support.

What is the age range of those you work and enjoy helping the most?

With 20 + years of experience as a special needs secondary art teacher, I am happy to work with any age group both young and old. I have experience in working with primary children and more recently I have also been teaching adult art classes, so I feel comfortable to work with all ages.

What areas of emotional wellbeing are passionate about supporting?

Emotional wellbeing is very important to me and something I think we need to become more aware of in our lives. We need to look after and nurture it in order to succeed and have a happy, balanced life. COVID 19 has lowered emotional wellbeing by 74%.

Mindfulness ( paying attention to the present moment) is something that more people are practising and it is definitely having a positive effect. I also think empathy, kindness and connection to others are very important qualities that we should be developing and using more.

How has the pandemic impacted the mental wellbeing of those you help?

I can see through the people around me such as friends and family that the pandemic has had a massive effect on wellbeing. Those people with existing mental health problems such as OCD and eating disorders were at times finding that the lockdown was making them worse. I am looking forward to helping those people who have struggled through the pandemic to come out stronger through the other side.

What advice would you give someone seeking support?

It’s often the case that we need to reach out to get the help that’s needed, and start by having a conversation to explore our options so this would be the first step. I am now opening up space to take my first clients please do get in touch with me if you would like to find out more about how this gentle technique can help you or your child.