Meet the Practitioner

Meet The Practitioner | Holly Anderson - Drawing & Talking

Written by Poppy Weston | Nov 10, 2020 11:05:00 AM

Holly Anderson | Nottingham

How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

Drawing and Talking is a safe and gentle therapeutic early intervention that can often be the first step in getting help for mental health and well-being. Drawing and talking about your drawing are used to help you survive, cope with, resolve and move through any trauma or difficulties you are experiencing

Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking?

I’m a Drawing and Talking Practitioner who has a passion to support and promote positive mental health and well-being. The changes for these clients can be profound yet unobtrusive, which is why I love this approach so much. It truly has an immense impact that has a positive influence for years after the client has finished their sessions.

What is the age range you work with?

I work with children, young people and adults who may be experiencing specific mental health concerns or would like support with their general well-being.

What areas of emotional wellbeing do you most connect with and are passionate about supporting?

I have worked with clients who are experiencing anxiety, trauma, thoughts of self-harm, selective-mutism, behavioural issues, stress, bereavement and family issues. I am particularly passionate about supporting young people who have attachment difficulties or have experienced trauma.

How has COVID impacted the mental wellbeing of the families in these areas?

The Covid pandemic has increased anxiety and isolation for so many families and communities. Many adults and children who feel that they can usually cope, are struggling. It may be you as you read this – you need to know that it’s okay and there is help out there so that you can survive what you are going through.

Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

My greatest success was with a 10 year old boy who was a selective mute. He had been coming into school and hiding from everyone – and I don’t mean hiding physically. He was hiding mentally and not attaching or connecting to anyone. He began Drawing and Talking with me and would hardly look at me to begin with. Gradually he started to draw and moved his chair closer to me. Then he started to point at his drawing when I asked him about it. By the end of the 12 sessions, his chair was pushed up as close to me as possible and I couldn’t stop him from talking! This has even translated into the classroom and at home where he was far more engaged and happy.