Meet the Practitioner

Meet The Practitioner | Catherine Robinson - Drawing & Talking

Written by Poppy Weston | Jul 12, 2021 9:28:33 AM

Catherine Robinson |Leigh

How would you describe Drawing and Talking in its simplest terms?

A therapeutic Intervention designed to support children, young people & adults, enhance their Mental Health & emotional wellbeing.

Why are you so passionate about Drawing and Talking as a supportive intervention?

Drawing and Talking provides a safe, non-intrusive environment for those with struggles to be free to draw their current, in the moment feelings. This process helps clients share their experiences in a safe way, when finding the words is just too difficult for them.

What is the age range of those you work and enjoy helping the most?

I mostly work with children 5-11, and adults. With spaces still available for young people too. I enjoy working with all ages and see each age group working through the stages differently and at their own pace. Working with adults has shown me how much deep-rooted experiences, still have such a big impact on daily life.

Supporting adults through their sessions is quite insightful as they let go of feeling judged and just feel supported.

What areas of emotional wellbeing are passionate about supporting?

Anxiety, low confidence, and depression.

How has the pandemic impacted the mental wellbeing of those you help?

A lot of the clients I have been supporting have become anxious during the pandemic. Through developing anxiety, it has caused some clients to also experience low confidence and self-esteem issues. This has created barriers to their learning and having a healthy work life balance. Drawing and talking is supporting these clients to overcome their barriers and find a healthier, more balanced way of living.

Whilst using Drawing and Talking, what is your greatest success story?

Working with a client who was disruptive, violent, unkind to peers and family at home. Finding themselves on a very self-destructive path. On completion of drawing and talking, they are now able to maintain good friendships with others, being open and honest about their feelings with parents but most of all, are happy with who they are.

Where are you holidaying this summer and why?

We are holidaying in Whitby this year. Spending some time by the coast, making memories not too far away from home. May invite the whole family too.