Drawing and Talking News and Articles

The Hidden Powers of Sleep

Written by Ahfia Ullah | Jun 26, 2023 8:12:38 AM
Sleep is essential to our overall health and well-being, and its impact on our emotional health cannot be ignored. When we do not get enough sleep, our emotional regulation can be affected, leading to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. Adequate sleep is critical for the regulation of stress hormones, the processing of emotions, and the integration and consolidation of memories. 
Sleep also plays a crucial role in our ability to both perceive and respond to other people's emotions accurately. When we are sleep-deprived, our ability to read and respond appropriately to emotional cues is diminished, leading to breakdowns in communication and feelings of social isolation. This is without considering possible further impacts on those who experience some kind of trauma, or who are neurodiverse.  
One benefit of sleep that is often overlooked is its ability to aid in emotional healing. Dreams, which occur during the REM phase of sleep, can provide a safe space for emotional processing and integration. Dreams can also offer valuable insights into our emotional state and provide guidance for addressing our emotional needs. In Drawing and Talking training we teach you a little about dreams and archetypes from Jungian learnings.  
Research has shown that dream processing can help individuals overcome emotional trauma and move towards recovery. Dreams can also help us to develop a more optimistic outlook on life and prepare us for future emotional challenges. Lucid dreaming, which allows individuals to have control over the content and direction of their dreams, has even been shown to improve emotional regulation and coping skills in waking life. Using the Drawing and Talking technique allows the client to feel safe and secure in the containment of the practitioner, to draw images, use structural dialogue and talking to gently process those feelings. This experience allows the client to know they can survive their emotional pain and gain emotional resilience over it.  
In conclusion, prioritizing sleep is crucial for maintaining emotional resilience and overall well-being. Adequate sleep aids in stress regulation, emotional processing, and memory consolidation. Additionally, dreams offer a valuable tool for emotional healing and recovery, providing a safe space for emotional processing and integration, and valuable insights into our emotional experiences. So, make sure you set aside enough time to get adequate sleep and give yourself the gift of emotional healing through your dreams. 

“In sleep, fantasy takes the form of dreams. But in waking life, too, we continue to dream beneath the threshold of consciousness, especially when under the influence of repressed or other unconscious complexes.” 


Carl Jung 

The practice of psychotherapy (ed. Bollingen, 1966)