Drawing and Talking News and Articles

As pupils return to school the emotional turmoil Covid has produced begins to unfold. - Drawing & Talking

Written by Poppy Weston | Aug 10, 2020 12:18:00 PM

In recent years, “trauma informed and emotional resilience” have become a buzzword in schools, but now, more than ever, we must look to place as much weight on measuring children’s emotional development as well as their academic progress.

Michael Rich, associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, confirms after studies, an increase in Mental Health issues of students during Covid.

Rich states, ‘Many students have returned to online learning, remaining in isolation from their peers. The world is a stressful place right now, given the global health crisis, economic downturn, and protests over racial injustice. It’s important for school staff to nurture emotional connections and child psychologists and mental health experts to find interventions that can be delivered in person and online’.

Rick Cardis, teacher in Chicago comments ‘As a professional body we are looking for new ways to support the emotional wellbeing of our students quickly and effectively. How can we expect our students to access an academic curriculum when they have been exposed to so much emotional distress during the last few months’

Finding interventions that can be used in person and online is not as easy as one might think. Drawing and Talking Therapy, however, is one such approach. The company has recreated its unique school-based approach to ensure staff are able to deliver a consistent intervention, whether in person or online. ‘We are busier than ever training new Drawing and Talking Practitioners’ says Managing Director of Drawing and Talking, Cath Beagley

We can see the pressures school staff and mental health professionals are under during this period. Looking to find solutions to the mental health pandemic impacting today’s school environment is an ongoing task. It is a privilege to lead our training via a remote platform ensuring thousands of professionals can access our technique. The mental health and well-being of our young people is a global issue that needs to be addressed.

To find out more about which children benefit from Drawing and Talking Therapy and which professionals should attend training, Click Here

Training Dates from the 12th October 2020

Cost: $375 (per delegate)

Remote learning via Zoom: 11am to 5pm Eastern / 8am to 2pm Pacific

*Michael Rich |USA Today | Aug 2, 2020